When it comes to enterprise use cases for virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR) technology, two of the main areas of interest are training and collaboration. DXC Technology specialises in helping companies improve productivity, quality and efficiency through interactive means. Today, DXC has announced that water treatment leader Ixom will be using Microsoft’s HoloLens headset for training and research purposes.
Working in the water treatment and chemical distribution sector across Australia and New Zealand, Ixom asked DXC Technologies to develop a custom application to cover those aforementioned needs. Prior to utilising mixed reality (MR) Ixom’s training and learning assessments were conducted at customer sites, requiring travel, scheduling and employee resources to mitigate safety risks.
Using the new HoloLens app Ixom employees are able to participate in training and learning assessments from any office or remote location. The company has found an increase in flexibility, autonomy and mobility, thus reducing travel costs and minimizing employee safety risks. The added benefit being the reduced exposure to hazardous materials during training at treatment facilities.
“Digital transformation in the workplace is edging towards an inflection point as enterprises are incorporating immersive solutions that connect the real world with the virtual world,” said Maria Pardee, DXC’s senior vice president and general manager, Workplace and Mobility in a statement. “DXC is using the power of AR, VR and MR to align the next-generation digital capabilities employees want so they can be more mobile and independent, with the critical security, production prowess and agility that today’s businesses demand.”
DXC Technologies has a range of solutions for those companies interested in deploying VR/AR technologies across their workforces such as DXC Remote Expert, DXC Unified Endpoint Management, DXC Workplace IoT and DXC Open Health Connect.
According to a recent report by Gartner ‘Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2019‘, in the next couple of years: “70% of enterprises will be experimenting with immersive technologies for consumer and enterprise use, and 25% will have deployed to production.” Another interesting enterprise use case is collaboration, most recently seen at CES 2020 from the likes of developers such as Spatial, creating a tool across AR and VR platforms for colleagues to work together remotely.
VRFocus will continue its coverage of the enterprise sector, reporting back with the latest announcements.
via Mint VR