Auducka Is What You Get When You Mix Duck Hunt And Audica (Really)

What do you get when you mix Harmonix’s rhythmic VR shooter, Audica, with classic light gun shooter, Duck Hunt? Auducka. Duh!

This rather brilliant app from developer Skid Vis is now available on SideQuest for Oculus Quest. Rather than the tense game of patience, reactions and aim that make the original Duck Hunt such a classic, this hilarious Frankenstein’s monster has poor feathered critters trying to escape your well-timed shots to the beat. It makes for a strangely soothing bit of synthy bird massacre.

Now there’s a sentence I didn’t think I’d write this week. Check out UploadVR’s Zeena Al-Obaidi taking a stab (or shot) at it below. Each of the game’s tracks is from an artist called Flawed Human Being, who sets a nice relaxed pace.

There’s four songs to the game and, though it’s obviously a bit of a joke, it’s actually pretty challenging. The game requires you to hold your hands high at all times so you’ll be getting a burn in your arms after a few songs. But with some practice and careful aim you can get the hang of it; Zeena’s very proud of coming in second on the leaderboard for one track.

You can get Auducka for free from SideQuest right here. Looking for more Duck Hunt adventures in VR? Well that’s a slightly strange craving but, if so, I should point you towards Duck Season, which is more like Duck Hunt mixed with Friday The 13th or something. Trust me, it’s better than it sounds.

The post Auducka Is What You Get When You Mix Duck Hunt And Audica (Really) appeared first on UploadVR.

via Mint VR
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