First Gameplay Teaser Arrives for VR MMORPG Ilysia Ahead of Spring Kickstarter

While virtual reality (VR) fans of MMORPG’s already have the likes of OrbusVR: Reborn to pass the time at home, 2020 will see the competition ramp-up as Kickstarter funded Low-Fi and Zenith are both expected later this year. If they weren’t enough, indie developer Team 21 Studio has released its first teaser gameplay trailer for MMORPG Ilysia, with a crowd-funding campaign slated to arrive this spring. 

The team has big plans for Ilysia, building an expansive world where players can do the things expected of an MMORPG. Go on quests with friends, explore a vast land filled with cities and dungeons and encounter massive world bosses, known as Guardians. Standing hundreds of stories tall, Guardians aren’t bosses you directly fight, instead, they contain dungeons and exploration zones. You can climb and explore these Guardians while exploring Ilysia or choose to avoid them.

Gameplay will involve collecting and making weapons, clothing and other useful items, all of which is stored in a personal Caravan. You’ll be able to customize and decorate the caravan with the treasures found in Ilysia plus it’ll have several other uses. You’ll be able to use it for resting as well as a means of fast travel and other players will also be able to visit your caravan.

To give you an idea of Ilysia’s current size the team notes in a blog posting: “Currently, and at launch, Ilysia will be roughly 20 km by 24 km (12 mi by 14 mi). When Xander and I wander through the world, it takes us about 2 and a half to 3 hours to run from one side of the world to the other, taking into account that is without any obstacles or enemies slowing us down as would be the case in the full version of Ilysia. This size will more than double as we continue to work on Ilysia.”

Ilysia screenshot2

To help make this all possible Team 21 Studio will be launching a Kickstarter this spring with a date and funding target still to be revealed. Before that takes place the team has begun a pre-funding round on its own website for those really keen to support Ilysiawith three tiers offering unique items as well as access to the first Alpha and Beta versions.

Ilysia will support headsets including Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and Valve Index. As further details are released, VRFocus will keep you updated.

via Mint VR
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