March 25, 202510:52:39 PM

Good Goliath Stomps Onto PlayStation VR, Oculus Rift & HTC Vive This Month

Knocktwice Games revealed its first virtual reality (VR) title Good Goliath last week, promising some giant-sized gameplay. Today, the studio has confirmed a launch date for multiple platforms, with the videogame set to arrive at the end of March.

Good Goliath

As the name suggests this isn’t some little doll-house sized experience – unless you count all the little people running around. In Good Goliath, you play a friendly giant in a storybook world who has just awoken from a nice long nap to find themself being attacked by angry hordes of people.

Whilst you might not be evil you are still being attacked and kind words aren’t enough in this situation, action is required. So it’s time to put those overly large muscles to work and defend yourself against not only tiny terrors but all manner of devilish foes.

Nine levels are filled with waves of opponents, from pitchfork-wielding villagers to cavalry mounted soldiers, and even flying imps. Based around tower defence gameplay where you’re the tower, you’ll need to catch and dodge pitchforks, barrels, and other incoming objects to use as weapons. Those tiny villagers will even fling themselves through the air to attack you, great for plucking out the sky and returning them from whence they came, using them to knock out their friends.

Good Goliath

All this arcade-action isn’t confined to the diminutive enemy either. Formidable (not so mini) mini-bosses will appear to mix up the gameplay while a colossal monster awaits you at the end of each level which can range from castle mountain tops to shark-infested pirate islands and creepy caverns.

It’s not just enemies you need to keep an eye out for either. Levels will be littered with objectives to unlock and secrets to find, with hidden treasure stored inside breakable structures. At some point in amongst all the fighting you’ll likely need to top up your health. Luckily, there’s a friendly neighbourhood baker who just happens to float through levels with some nutritious cake to perk you back up.

Knocktwice Games will release Good Goliath for PlayStation VR, Oculus Rift and HTC Vive on 31st March 2020. For further updates keep reading VRFocus.

via Mint VR
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