March 18, 202511:19:04 AM

Latest LIV Beta Enables Green Screen Free Mixed Reality Recording on Oculus Quest

When virtual reality (VR) gamers want to record themselves playing a title in mixed reality (MR) one of the most popular software solutions is LIV. This is mostly achieved through green screening, great if you’re a developer with the space to set it up, not so much for general consumers wishing to showcase their latest Beat Saber highscores. So LIV has just launched a beta for one of the most popular headsets at the moment, Oculus Quest, allowing players to record their own MR gameplay videos without having to hand any green fabric.

LIV - Beat SaberThe process can be achieved via two methods, using a Kinect camera (Xbox One or Azure) or the latest is on an iPhone XR smartphone. Exclusive to the Apple handset due to the background removal technology LIV employs – Android solutions are being looked into – to access the LIV Camera app users need to head to the LIV Discord to request access.

As you can see from the demo video below this beta version can impressively remove any background environment the player is standing in, replacing it with the VR videogame they’re playing. Of course, this is still a beta so there are a few kinks to work out and you’ll also need the LIV PC app.

Over on Reddit, the team notes: “We are aware that setup isn’t as simple as we want it to be. Early on, our issues were largely on the bugs/performance side, but since spending the better half of 2019 working on that, we are now turning the corner. Quest support is in beta, so expect some bugs as we iron out the kinks!

“One of our areas of focus for 2020 is rethinking the App setup process (and design) to make it easier to get started, and finding the right information.”

LIV - Beat Saber

LIV left Steam Early Access last summer adding a range of features including avatars for those players who didn’t want to directly feature in their videos. Free to download and supporting most VR headsets, the software is compatible with some of the best VR titles on the market.

As LIV continues development, improving its capture solution for Oculus Quest, VRFocus will keep you updated.

via Mint VR
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