March 26, 202509:22:23 AM

Hyper Dash Available Now On SideQuest With PC VR Cross-Play

Hyper Dash is a new fast-paced multiplayer shooter available on SideQuest featuring cross-play with PC VR.

You can try the alpha testing release right now and Hyper Dash is free while still in development.

The game supports up to 5 versus 5 player matches in VR with spectators who can log in without a headset. The non-VR participants control a drone that can be seen in game. There are eight weapons currently in the game that are all one handed so you can dual wield. It features three modes:

  • Payload is like Overwatch and Team Fortress 2
  • Domination challenges teams to capture three points and hold them for five seconds to score and the first team to three points wins
  • Capture Point is a mode where you try to hold a point in the middle of the map for 300 seconds

The game combines multiple movement systems including smooth locomotion and rail grinding that gets you around a map quickly after a respawn. There’s also a dash/teleport mechanic described as the main way of moving around in the game but it is limited to three dashes at a time. The dashes recharge and you can boost the dashes to five with a pickup located around the map.

“You can point your dash preview arc to where you want to dash. If you let go of the button you dash to the highlighted location in a fraction of a second,” Triangle Factory developer Jeroen Dessaux explained in a direct message. “The dash leaves a visible trail so players see where you went and it’s not too disorienting.”

The alpha release available now publicly also includes new sprinting features the developers are testing where “if you click the joystick button you will use 1 dash bar, but start sprinting for a few seconds,” Dessaux explained. “This is useful in a few situations. Some players wanted this and using the dash bar to restrict it seems like a good tradeoff. It also leaves a dash trail to make you more visible.” You can also sprint on the rails as well.

No price has been decided for the final game yet but it will be a paid title when it is finished and the developers say Facebook gave them the go ahead for eventual release on the Quest Oculus Store.

“We’ll keep working on the game and take in community feedback, and release new builds at the end of each month until we release,” Dessaux explained in an email.

Check out the latest trailer here:

You can find the PC version of the game — which should work with both Oculus Rift and SteamVR headsets — in the game’s Discord server. You can also find the development version of Hyper Dash on SideQuest here.

The post Hyper Dash Available Now On SideQuest With PC VR Cross-Play appeared first on UploadVR.

via Mint VR
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