OhShape Releases Fitness Challenge, New Beginner Difficulty For Free And Unicef Donation Pledge

Free updates to Odders Lab’s OhShape will help you stay in shape while self-isolating.

The OhShape #StayHome update includes three new songs for the game’s Extras library. Included in that is a fitness map designed to exercise every area of the body. It’s yet another way you can use a VR headset to stay in shape in these challenging times. Odders Lab is also donating $1 to Unicef for every player that completes the course, so give it a try to do your bit.

Also arriving as part of the update is YUR.watch compatibility. This is a virtual watch that keeps track of the calories you burn across multiple games on PC VR and on Oculus Quest. Other compatible games include Synth Riders, which is also doing its bit to keep people fit in VR this weekend with live workout sessions, and SairentoVR.

Next up there’s the Beginner mode difficulty, available in every official song in the game. This is designed to give new players a much more gentle introduction into the world of OhShape, which can take some getting used to. To help even more, there’s now a calibration mode that will let you set your height. That’s pretty important for a game that is essentially human Tetris.

We’re pretty fond of OhShape, and it’s definitely one of the better ways to keep in shape while indoors. The update is available on Oculus Quest now and will be coming to PC VR headsets soon. Will you be checking it out? Let us know in the comments below!

The post OhShape Releases Fitness Challenge, New Beginner Difficulty For Free And Unicef Donation Pledge appeared first on UploadVR.

via Mint VR
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