Sketchfab Launches App-Free AR Support For Enterprise Customers

Sketchfab announced today that they are launching app-free AR support for enterprise customers. This will allow companies to leverage AR to show off their products via a simple new button that can be implemented into an embedded Sketchfab model.

While we’ve seen many companies implement mobile AR over the last few years, this new offering from Sketchfab is a clean solution that requires no app install on the user’s device. Enterprise customers can now provide an AR button on their embedded models, which will use iOS’ AR Quick Look feature and Android’s Scene Viewer to display the Sketchfab model immediately in AR without the need for any external app installation. You can see a screenshot of an example Sketchfab model displayed in AR below.

sketchfab ar

On desktop devices, clicking the AR button will show a QR code that will launch straight into the model’s AR view when scanned with a phone. The company says the new AR features will work with existing models as well — all 3D models uploaded to Sketchfab are automatically converted to the file formats required for AR in iOS and Android. Companies will be able to check the scale of their AR models, and adjust accordingly, using Sketchfab’s 3D editor.

This is a big step for Sketchfab, a platform which recently passed 3 million members. While these features mark an expansion of its AR capabilities at an enterprise level, the Sketchfab platform is also frequently used by the VR community to upload and host 3D models, whether they be captures of real objects or made in VR apps such as Tilt Brush, Quill and the Masterpiece Studio Suite.

The post Sketchfab Launches App-Free AR Support For Enterprise Customers appeared first on UploadVR.

via Mint VR
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