March 24, 202503:02:07 PM

Historical World War I VR Experience ‘War Remains’ From Dan Carlin Coming To PC VR This Month

War Remains Home: Dan Carlin Presents an Immersive Memory is a historical VR experience presented by Dan Carlin that’s centered on the Western front of the first World War coming soon to home PC VR headsets this month on May 21st to PC VR headsets via Oculus Home for Rift, SteamVR, and Viveport at a price point of $4.99.

The historical VR experience is a collaborative effort between MWMi as producer, Brandon Oldenburg as director, Flight School Studio as the developer, and Skywalker Sound on audio design.

The experience won the Tribeca Film Festival Out-of-Home VR Entertainment of the Year award in 2019. In War Remains, users will get to feel what it was like in the heat of battle during the “war to end all wars” in the trenches. World War I was a major inflection point in the history of the planet and War Remains aims to be an accurate and immersive way to see and feel what it was like in the middle of a battle. Specifically, War Remains focuses on the Battle of Passchendaele.

“I wanted to create a time machine that would give people just a taste of what soldiers experienced on this unimaginable battlefield, and I think we’ve come as close as possible while still giving people a bearable experience,” said Dan Carlin. “It is my hope that people – students, teachers and the general public – can use ‘War Remains’ to gain a greater understanding of one of the most impactful events in world history.”

Personally, I’m eager to try this out. One of the most impactful VR experiences I ever did personally was focused on the first flight of the Wright brothers back in December of 1903. Standing on the hill at Kitty Hawk as their plane flew by over head was incredibly immersive.

Do you plan on checking out War Remains later this month? Let us know what you think down in the comments below!

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via Mint VR
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