March 14, 202503:03:12 PM

Rockin’ Smashathon Hotel R’n’R Leaps Onto PlayStation VR Later This Month

Hotel R'n'R

There are times when you may just want to let loose, do something you wouldn’t normally do, hell even tear the place up a little. For those particular moments, there’s Wolf & Wood’s Hotel R’n’R, a homage to the excessive days of rock n roll. Originally a PC VR release, soon PlayStation VR owners will be able to join in the fun.

Hotel R'n'R

It’s a well-known fact – or more wild unsubstantiated rumour – that to be a rock legend you need to have done a deal with the devil, and that’s precisely where Hotel R’n’R starts.

As a struggling musician you make a deal and in return your new horned friend asks you for a little favour, smash up all the hotels on your world tour. In any way you see fit.

“We have six hotel suites and almost everything can be destroyed – from the mini-bar to the bathroom all the furniture, fittings, windows and even some of the walls. On the surface it seems like a frantic ‘smash ’em up’ but the timer doesn’t start until you’ve made enough noise, so it’s best to explore and plan before you alert the Maid,” says Ryan Bousfield, Director of Wolf & Wood in a statement. “This combined with the huge variety of weapons, modifiers and enhancers means that a bit of setup is the best way to score highly.”

Hotel R'n'R

Like any stay in a hotel once your stay is up you’ll get a receipt for all the damages, with management, lawyers and hospitals all take a cut. The higher the better, so long as you don’t get arrested.

The PlayStation VR edition will launch on 28th May alongside new gameplay modes, weapons and levels. PC players won’t miss out as Hotel R’n’R will be leaving Early Access the same day, with all the same improvements.

“Making Hotel R’n’R wasn’t expected after two narrative-horror games but it has been a lot of fun, even doing the final testing in isolation we’re still coming up with new ways of setting things up and sending clips to each other in the team Discord. R’n’R is definitely about showing off a bit but that’s what rockstars are about too so I think it makes sense,” Bousfield adds.

As Wolf & Wood continues to release further VR titles, VRFocus will keep you updated.

via Mint VR
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