March 16, 2025

Start Building That VR/AR Project now Unity’s Learn Premium is Permanently Free

Unity HDRP example

Building a videogame – especially a virtual reality (VR) one – is no easy process but for those interested there are plenty of ways to learn. One of the most popular game engines to begin that journey is Unity which has continually sought to foster new talent through various courses. Initially launching a new service called Unity Learn Premium in March with three months free, today the company has announced premium will be free for everyone.

Unity 2018.3 MegaCity

The decision to make Unity Learn Premium free stems from the current coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic which has seen thousands of businesses close and many more people become unemployed around the world. In turn, this has led those cooped up at home to try learning new skills online, software development being one of them.

“Over 320,000 people have benefited from Learn Premium since we offered complimentary access,” states Unity in a blog posting. “By providing easy access to all of our real-time 3D online learning resources, we hope to bring you one step closer to reaching your goals.”

With more than 350 hours of Learn Premium content available there’s plenty to keep interested parties busy for awhile. Courses come in Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced levels so there’s no need to worry if you’re just getting started. When it comes to VR/AR courses there’s:

Unity 2018.3

If you are completely new to Unity it can look a little overwhelming so courses like Unity Basics are a good place to begin and see if you want to invest further time.

As for job prospects, VRFocus’ weekly VR Job Hub always has companies looking for staff. Back in March, Hired released its second annual State of Software Engineers report highlighting the fact that demand for VR/AR talent grew by a massive 1400%. The industry has been continually expanding and needs new staff to continue the trend.

The other good aspect of dipping your toes into Unity development is that the software itself is free. Charges only apply when you hit $100k in annual gross revenues. For further updates on Unity, keep reading VRFocus.

via Mint VR
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