March 27, 202510:40:11 PM

Star Wars: Squadrons Has An Immersive HUD Mode, Will Let You Hide Cosmetics

Want to make your X-Wing VR experience as immersive as possible? We’ve got good news for you: you can turn off the Star Wars: Squadrons HUD (heads-up display) elements.

Developer EA Motive confirmed as much talking to IGN. The VR-compatible flight combat game will feature a ‘Hardcore Mode’ that will take some of the HUD and user interface (UI) elements away.

“When you start the story,” creative director Ian S. Frazier explained, “we ask if you want the standard experience – which we’d expect most players to take – or a hardcore mode, which gets rid of a bunch of UI that helps you localize yourself in space, and makes you rely entirely on the readouts in the cockpit. So for the folks that are newer to the genre, I’d expect them to play standard, and for the folks that have tonnes of flight experience, they might want to try that out.”

We’d imagine that plenty of VR players will also want that more immersive experience, though it might be necessary to get used to the game with those elements enabled first.

In another win for authenticity, though, Squadrons will also let you disable visible customizations for both your craft and other players’. In other words, if someone wants to decorate their X-Wing with a decal, you’ll be able to choose if you can see that, or just the regular X-Wing skin.

“Some players aren’t going to want to see any of that,” Frazier explained. “It won’t matter how plausible it is, they just want to keep it to exactly what we’ve seen in the films, no more and no less, and we totally get that. And so we have an option in the game to hide everybody else’s cosmetics. So if you flip that on, then all of a sudden, if you want to put a racing stripe or whatever on your own TIE Fighter, you’ll see it, but everybody else’s is just going to look like a normal boilerplate TIE Fighter for you.”

Again, this seems like a move that will speak to a lot of players that want the authentic Star Wars experience in VR. Squadrons is out on October 2nd with optional support for PC VR headsets on PC and PSVR on PS4. You can find out everything else we know about the game right here.

Will you be playing with the Star Wars: Squadrons HUD disabled and cosmetics off? Let us know in the comments below!

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via Mint VR
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