HTC Teams With The MOR For Fabric Of Reality VR Catwalk

HTC is helping fill-in for the catwalk amid lockdown this summer, with a new virtual event in The Museum Of Other Realities.

The company partnered with RYOT and the London College of Fashion for this new event, named The Fabric Of Reality. available through the Viveport version of the app. Available for the next 12 months the exhibition showcases the work of three designers, recreated in VR with the help of other artists. Popular VR creator Sutu, for example, paired with fashion designer Damara. VRHuman, meanwhile, teamed up with Sabinna, and Charli Cohen, Anand Duncan and Joy all worked together.

Projects like these aren’t just a clever way to host events that have been massively restricted during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic; they’re also genuinely new and inventive ways to expand upon the existing foundations. With this virtual catwalk, for example, artists and creators aren’t restricted by the limits of reality.

Indeed, fashion has become a platform for increasingly experimental VR experiences. Last year at the Raindance Film Festival we took a look at See, Saw, Seen, an intriguing piece that attempted to flip the concept of the catwalk on its head. You can take a look at it in the first episode of the VR Culture Show below.

The MOR is free through Viveport Infinity, or costs $19.99. The virtual museum also hosts plenty of other experiences and has been a regular venue for other exhibitions during the ongoing pandemic. Will you be heading into The MOR for a look at The Fabric of Reality? Let us know in the comments below!

The post HTC Teams With The MOR For Fabric Of Reality VR Catwalk appeared first on UploadVR.

via Mint VR
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