March 17, 202508:28:51 AM

Sony Reiterates Commitment To ‘Make Advances’ In ‘Immersive Interactive Experiences Such As VR’

Sony’s latest corporate report briefly mentions VR, and reiterates the company’s commitment to making advances in immersive entertainment.

In the entire 66-page document covering all facets of the Sony brand, VR gets just one mention in Game & Network Services section. In general, the overall summary is that Sony is looking to continue to expand and consolidate its existing network of gaming hardware and software, as well as reinforce strong content IP. The company is also putting an emphasis on creating a smooth transition between generations, moving from PS4 to PS5.

In regards to VR, Sony had this to say:

“In executing these strategies, greater emphasis will be placed on user engagement. SIE [Sony Interactive Entertainment] plans to provide content for a variety of game genres and formats, and make advances in unique and immersive interactive experiences such as VR.”

While there’s enough hints to have guessed that Sony would remain committed to the VR platform, it’s nice to see it written out formally nonetheless. We’ve already seen some research videos from Sony showcasing new finger-tracked VR controllers, plus there’s been plenty of evidence to suggest PSVR 2 is in the works already. This level of commitment means that a PSVR hardware refresh could hold big implications for the VR market.

The report also notes that, “through maintaining the momentum and ecosystem that PS4 built up until now, we will promote a smooth transition to the PS5.” While not mentioned specifically, part of this smooth transition will no doubt involve the PSVR ecosystem.

Current generation PSVR hardware will be compatible with the PS5 but will require an adapter for the PlayStation Camera, which will be provided for free. The adapter seems a practical example of this ‘smooth transition’ between generations that Sony is aiming for.

Are you looking forward to PS5 and the next generation of PSVR? Let us know in the comments.

via Mint VR
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