March 23, 202503:53:20 PM

Oculus Quest Can Soon Cast To PC, App Getting ‘Spectator Mode’

Oculus Quests will soon be able to cast to your PC via Chrome or Microsoft Edge.

You can already cast Quest’s view to your phone or cast-enabled TV. It lets others in the room see what you see in VR.

When Quest launched casting was rough- it often didn’t work and the delay could be upward of 5 seconds. Facebook improved it in late 2019 to increase the reliability and decrease the latency.

The new feature, which will land in a few weeks, will let you cast to a web browser on – a URL that doesn’t exist quite yet. You’ll need to be signed into your Facebook account in that browser, which can be Edge or Chrome.

Next year the mobile app is getting ‘Spectator Mode’, giving you a 3rd person view where you can control the camera angle. This will require developer implementation so will only be supported by some apps.

via Mint VR
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