March 13, 2025

Dreams Aim Controller Support Implemented In New Update

Well, they really went and did it. Dreams Aim Controller support was just implemented in a new update.

Media Molecule’s game creation platform added support for the PSVR headset a few months back. At the time the studio told us it would add support for the headset’s rifle-shaped Aim Controller if there was demand for it. Clearly there was, as support was added as part of today’s free Music Update for the game.

Dreams Aim Controller support is recognized as a wireless controller rather than its own dedicated device, but that shouldn’t be too much of an issue. After all, the Aim Controller is essentially a remodeled DualShock 4, with a lightbar and all the same buttons. With this support, though, Dreams VR players should be able to create some pretty compelling first-person shooter (FPS) experiences.

In fact, it doesn’t sound like you even need VR to use the Aim controller, though we haven’t verified that for ourselves.

Elsewhere in the update, you can now change the position of subtitles when in VR and a new video guides you through labeling VR creations correctly. The main draw of the update, though, is the robust music system that adds new instruments and tools for you to implement into your creations. As with the rest of the Dreams experience, all of this can be experienced in VR. You can see a full changelog right here.

We think Dreams is an incredible VR experience, held back just a little by its fundamental flatscreen origins. Still, with continued support like this and the prospect of a potential port to PS5, we’re hoping to see significant improvements in the coming months.

Will you be diving back into PSVR to try out the Dreams Aim Controller support? Let us know in the comments below!

via Mint VR
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