March 23, 202506:04:30 PM

Top 5 Best Beat Saber DLC Music Packs

Looking for the best Beat Saber DLC? We’ve got you covered – several Beat Saber DLC packs have released over the last few years — but with so many available, how do you know which ones to choose? List time!

If you’ve just got a new VR headset, like the Oculus Quest 2, one of the first games you’ll probably buy is Beat Saber. While the base game comes with a huge amount of content, some of the game’s best tracks (and tracks featuring popular artists) are not included, and sold separately as DLC music packs.

There have been 7 music pack releases so far, and we’ve picked our top 5 to rank for you. Each pack is slightly different, some with more or fewer songs than others, but you can choose to buy the whole pack, for a slightly discounted price, or just buy songs individually. For that reason, we’ve marked a ‘Stand-Out Track’ for each DLC pack, so that if you’re just interested in buying one song from that artist, you know which is the best.

Here’s our ranking of the top five best Beat Saber DLC music packs.

Best Beat Saber DLC

5. Imagine Dragons

What you see here is what you get — it’s an Imagine Dragons music pack that’s neither excellent nor terrible. There’s 10 tracks included in the pack, making it one of the bigger selections, and all of the band’s biggest hits are included. For Imagine Dragons fans, this is a must have, but if you’re indifferent, maybe just buy one or two songs instead of all 10.

Stand-Out Track: Believer

4. Monstercat Vol 1

Monstercat was the first big release of a full music pack for Beat Saber, and it remains one of the better ones. How much you like this pack will probably depend on how much you like the style of EDM music that’s featured in it, which can be a pretty polarizing genre but is what Beat Saber was really built upon in the first place. This was something David acknowledged in his review early last year — while the music wasn’t his first preference and he was left wanting a bit more variety, it’s still an excellent release.

Stand-Out Track: Overkill

3. Panic! At The Disco

This pack is incredibly fun and the mappings suitably match the fun style of Panic!’s music. There are some great moments where the block mappings are playfully interacting with the song, and some tracks feel much more dance-orientated than other Beat Saber releases. It’s still got the same core slashing gameplay, but this pack feels a little bit more lively. The only disappointing part is the very small selection of songs — with only four songs included, this is the smallest DLC pack released. Plus, it’s missing the band’s iconic debut hit I Write Sins, Not Tragedies, which feels like a strange omission.

Stand-Out Track: Emperor’s New Clothes

2. Green Day

The Green Day music pack tried to shake up the standard formula a bit, and for the most part it works. At the time of release, it was the only rock-based music available for Beat Saber and the mappings of each track adjusted their style accordingly. Compared to the original Beat Saber soundtrack and other DLC releases, the mappings for the Green Day tracks can feel a little bit more rigid and syncopated, focus on drums and strong rhythmic beats. This definitely isn’t a bad thing — it gives the pack it’s own unique feel and leans into the rock genre perfectly. The Green Day environment, featuring the American Idiot grenade heart, looks spectacular as well.

If there’s one thing that lets this pack down, it’s the song selection. For starters, there’s only 6 songs, two of which are from Green Day’s 2019 album Father of All… Given the timing, this was clearly a promo move, but it’s a shame those two tracks couldn’t have been filled by other classic (and much better) Green Day tracks.

Stand-Out Track: American Idiot

1. Linkin Park

Green Day may have been the first pack to implement rock music in Beat Saber, but the Linkin Park pack is the one that perfected it. In his review earlier this year, David was absolutely astounded by the DLC, calling it a “dream come true.” There is a massive selection of 11 songs, which span across several albums and include most of the band’s greatest hits. Not only is there a breadth of tracks available, but their mappings are excellent and have great depth across the entire collection of songs.

If you’re a Linkin Park fan, then this DLC pack is essential. Even if you’re not this is still one of the best Beat Saber DLC packs. You can read David’s full review here.

Stand-Out Track: One Step Closer

So those are our top five best Beat Saber DLC packs, but what are yours? Let us know your favorite Beat Saber DLC tracks in the comments below.

If you want information on installing custom songs for Beat Saber, check out our guide. And make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel for all of the latest updates.

via Mint VR
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