March 22, 202503:45:33 AM

Cradle of Sins to Host ‘Beat & Battle’ Event Featuring Steve Aoki, Headhunterz & Many More

Cradle of Sins

Virtual reality (VR) multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) Cradle of Sins may have had an unsuccessful Kickstarter in 2019 but that hasn’t stopped British developer U24 Solutions from continuing the project. With a beta release incoming, the studio has announced a charity tournament to showcase the videogame with some big names onboard.

Cradle of Sins - Beat and Battle

Called ‘Beat & Battle’, the VR tournament will be a live stream event where eight teams will compete for a prize pool of $25,000 USD, with each team’s winnings going to a charity of their choice. For instance, first place will receive $15,000, second will get $5,000, third $3,000 and the rest $400 each.

Teams will be made up of three players apiece with Team Crystal made up of superstar DJ Steve Aoki, Twitch streamer xQc and pro VR player PeskyCashew. Other big names include DJ Headhunterz, Twitch stars Sodapoppin and Loserfruit, and Youtubers like ProjectJamesify and The Lonely Viper.

This isn’t just a closed-off event either. Six of the teams have an open spot for any VR player who can get through the qualifiers. These open today by joining Cradle of Sins’ Discord community. 2000 beta keys are on offer and you have to compete in at least eight tournament matches to submit your eight best scores. Further details are on the Cradle of Sins website.

Cradle of Sins

The Steam Early Access release of Cradle of Sins is expected in the next few weeks, supporting Valve Index, Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and Windows Mixed Reality headsets. The gameplay is based around two teams of three having a magical alter to protect, whilst also trying to destroy their opponents.

Players will be able to select from four characters, to begin with (more will be added), each with their own particular weapons, abilities and upgrades. Weapons will be typical physics-driven designs common in VR, ranging from swords and crossbows to shields, staffs and powerful crystals. They’ll also be able to collect gold from fallen enemies to buy weapons and upgrades.

The ‘Beat & Battle’ VR tournament takes place on 11th November, live-streamed via Twitch from 6 pm GMT. For further updates on Cradle of Sins, including its beta launch keep reading VRFocus.

via Mint VR
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