Next week sees the release of Ernest Cline’s Ready Player Two sequel, continuing the story that captured imaginations in 2011, whilst spawning a Steven Spielberg movie adaption. The author is conducting a virtual book tour and as part of it, Bigscreen will be hosting a live Q&A session for fans.

Bigscreen founder and CEO Darshan Shankar will be conducting the session, for anyone around the world to attend for free. All you need is the Bigscreen app of course.
“Bigscreen is by far my favourite VR application and it’s also the one I’ve used the most this past year. I get together with my friends inside Bigscreen at least once a week to hang out, watch movies, and play games together, even though we’re scattered across the country,” said Cline in a statement. “I’m so grateful to Darshan and his team for turning something from my imagination into a reality, and for doing it decades before I thought it would be possible. And I’m honoured that they’ve invited me to appear on their platform to discuss Ready Player Two.”
Ready Play Two will be taking readers back to the Oasis for another action-packed adventure in the virtual reality (VR) universe. “Hidden within Halliday’s vaults, waiting for his heir to find it, lies a technological advancement that will once again change the world and make the OASIS a thousand times more wondrous – and addictive – than even Wade dreamed possible,” the synopsis explains. “With it comes a new riddle, and a new quest: a last Easter egg from Halliday, hinting at a mysterious prize. And an unexpected, impossibly powerful, and dangerous new rival awaits, one who’ll kill millions to get what he wants.”

“In 2011–before virtual reality headsets really existed–Ready Player One inspired us of what was possible with VR. People are now usingBigscreenas a classroom for virtual education, as a virtual movie theatre, and even as a virtual date night for people in long-distance relationships: things Ernie Cline predicted a decade ago! I can’t wait to read Ready Player Two and get a glimpse of the future,” adds Shankar.
Ready Player Two will be published on 24th November with Cline’s Q&A session in Bigscreen taking place on 5th December, 5 pm PT (6th Dec, 1 am GMT).
Bigscreen recently launched a green screen update enabling its avatars to be used in more settings such as Zoom or Twitch. As further updates are announced, VRFocus will let you know.
via Mint VR