March 23, 202508:17:13 PM

New Gameplay Trailer Showcases Sam & Max – This Time It’s Virtual on Oculus Quest

Sam & Max - This Time It's Virtual

One of the surprise virtual reality (VR) titles to appear during the Gamescom Now event back in August was a short trailer for Sam & Max – This Time It’s Virtual. Being developed by HappyGiant, the studio recently released new footage showcasing more gameplay as well as confirming the first supported headset.

Sam & Max - This Time It's Virtual

The video was shot on an Oculus Quest with HappyGiant going onto clarify in the comments that: “everything you are seeing is running on a mobile VR platform. This is not even on a PC, which WILL look better btw. What are we doing on “mobile VR” (calling it that until we release platform specifics) is somewhat unprecedented tbh.”

All pre-release gameplay footage (so expect further improvements), in the early part of the trailer you get to see more of the monster from the initial announcement. Later on, there’s what looks to be a series of physical mini-games from avoiding swinging axes and climbing walls to carnival games like throwing darts and the classic High Striker.

Naturally, these all feature a suitable dose of Sam & Max comedy weirdness, so you’ll be throwing Max into stacked bottles or trying to score points with grenades. From the details released so far, these will be part of the training courses you’ll have to complete to join the illustrious crime-fighting duo as they try to save the world.

Sam & Max - This Time It's Virtual

“Thanks to the unholy science of virtual reality, players will finally experience the topsy-turvy world of Sam & Max, joining the enduring transmedia darlings as they prepare the next generation of Freelance Police to inoculate reality against the plague of evil that infests it. Also, there’ll be some giant monsters,” explains the studio.

Sam & Max – This Time It’s Virtual is currently slated for a 2021 launch with multiple headset support planned. When further details are released, VRFocus will let you know.

via Mint VR
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