March 21, 2025

AFFECTED: The Manor – The Complete Edition Coming in Q1 2021

Affected: The Manor

Fallen Planet Studios’ virtual reality (VR) horror AFFECTED: The Manor will be rolling out a revamped version it’s just been announced. The studio has been working on AFFECTED: The Manor – The Complete Edition for all currently supported platforms, slated to arrive early next year.

Affected: The Manor

Over the course of 2020, the studio has released DLC in the form of The Gauntlet as well as the Darkness update. The former added a speed run challenge with randomised events plus the ability to record a player’s screams for a final rating. Whilst the Darkness update made the experience even creepier, providing players with just a candle to light their way.

Both of these additions came to Oculus Quest first, with the PC VR edition getting them soon after. However, whilst the PlayStation VR version first arrived a couple of years ago, its yet to receive these updates. That’ll change with AFFECTED: The Manor – The Complete Edition. Arriving in Q1 2021, current owners will get the complete package as a free update. New owners simply purchase AFFECTED: The Manor – The Complete Edition.

This will be the same for the Oculus Quest and Steam versions as well. In addition to the new bundle, Fallen Planet Studios will also be visually overhauling the videogame across all platforms, further enhancing the experience.

Affected: The Manor

Originally released back in 2016 for Gear VR, AFFECTED: The Manor offered an ‘on-rails’, walkthrough horror experience much like classic haunted house rides. Since then, Fallen Planet Studiosw enhanced the title by catering for 6DoF technology, adding interactive elements to help players feel more connected to the world.

As Fallen Planet Studios reveal further updates to its AFFECTED series, VRFocus will let you know.

via Mint VR
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