March 16, 202509:47:19 PM

Build Awesome Gadgeteer Machines on PlayStation VR in Q1 2021


Physics-based virtual reality (VR) puzzler Gadgeteer is available for most headsets including Oculus Quest, leaving Early Access during the summer. The last major VR device to not feature support is PlayStation VR, but that’s going to change next year confirms developer Metanaut.


In a Reddit posting, Metanaut’s CEO Peter Kao made the announcement that the puzzle/sandbox title is currently in the process of being ported to PlayStation VR, scheduled to arrive in Q1 2021. Alongside a video showcasing the videogame in action, in response to a query, he did divulge that the PlayStation VR version would retail for $14.99 USD.

VRFocus has covered Gadgeteer fairly extensively with the title offering a single-player campaign with 60 puzzles to solve. Almost serving as a long tutorial, introducing you to the various gadgets and how they function so you can then unleash your creativity in the Maker Mode.

This sandbox area gives you free rein to build any Rube Goldberg-style machine you like using the 100 gadgets on offer. Some like the rubber ducky, bowling ball, and slippery soap bar were only introduced for the official launch. Once you’ve created you design it can then be shared with the Gadgeteer community. Likewise, you can see what others have created.

Reviewing the Oculus Quest version last year, VRFocus said: “Gadgeteer isn’t going to be for everyone, much like being a watchmaker. It’s finicky, time-consuming and puzzling all at the same time. They’re also the reasons why Gadgeteer is a puzzle gem for Oculus Quest.”

As further details regarding the PlayStation VR version of Gadgeteer are released, VRFocus will let you know.

via Mint VR
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