March 24, 202512:26:01 PM

Beware A Wake Inn’s Living Dolls in VR Bros’ new Insights Video

A Wake Inn

VR Bros’ upcoming virtual reality (VR) horror A Wake Inn is due for release next week and for those fans eager to see more here’s another sneak peek. Continuing the studio’s Dev Insight series, VRFocus has an exclusive video detailing the enemies they’ll find in the experience – the living dolls.

A Wake Inn

As players wander through the creepy Silver Inn Hotel, navigating the corridors and dimly lit rooms they’ll occasionally come across some residents. Not human folk, but robot dolls which will lurk in dark corners or float through – they have legs but don’t walk – the hallways.

While they are robotic just like the character these are more mindless killing machines with hammers and axes for hands, instantly attacking when players make too much noise or get spotted by the weird eyeball sentries which raise the alarm. Should this happen players aren’t defenceless, able to pick up pipes and hatchets to do some damage. But A Wake Inn isn’t an action title, arousing the suspicion of a group means death, unless an escape can be found.

So it’s best to stay quiet and avoid trouble. However, players are in an old wheelchair which has a tendency to squeak and ruin subtle movement. So there are oil canisters littered around to lube up the gears to reduce the noise. If the worse does happen then have a Static Grenade handy, knocking enemies out for a short time. These can be found as well as built, making searching each room a must.

A Wake Inn

VRFocus previewed A Wake Inn recently, finding the experience: “offers an exciting prospect for VR horror fans. Elements like the design of the hotel and the audio carefully craft an atmosphere rich in tension and dread, whilst teasing the sinister story just under the surface.”

Check out the new video below. A Wake Inn launches next Thursday, 25th February on Steam for HTC Vive, Oculus Rift and Valve Index headsets. For further updates on the horror title, keep reading VRFocus.

via Mint VR
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