The big date is finally here – Population: One Season 1 goes live on February 25th.
Developer BigBox confirmed the news on Twitter this week, sharing a teaser image in the process. Season 1 is labelled Uprising and arrives a few days after the Advanced War Mode closes out on February 22nd. In the tweet the studio says the season will feature “map updates, new social features, 5 new weapons and items” amongst other additions.
Season 1: Uprising launches on 2.25!
Combat will never be the same.
Get ready for map updates, new social features, 5 new weapons and items, and more!#pop1 #popone #population1 #populationone
— POPULATION: ONE (@populationonevr) February 18, 2021
We actually already know what some of these extras are, though. Earlier in the month BigBox revealed this season will introduce melee weapons to the game, starting with a knife and katana as well as a light machine gun. We also saw a teaser trailer you can catch below. As for the map updates and social features? We’ll have to wait until next week to find out what’s in store.
We think Population: One is VR’s best battle royale shooter, but the launch of seasonal content will really tell if BigBox can live up to the mantle of Fortnite. Uprising will last 10 weeks and, in the developer’s words, “sets the stage for a continuously updated battle royale game where the combat will never be the same.”
In the meantime, you can catch us playing Population: One live on Upload today! Starting at 8:30am PT we’ll be playing the Advanced War Mode for a pre-season warm up.
via Mint VR