March 24, 202511:05:41 AM

Community Download: What’s Your Most Anticipated VR Game For 2021?

Community Download is a weekly discussion-focused articles series published (usually) every Monday in which we pose a single, core question to you all, our readers, in the spirit of fostering discussion and debate. For today’s Community Download,  we want to know what is your most anticipated remaining new VR game for the year?

We have actually had a lot of really big VR game releases this year and it’s not even the end of March yet. Between Hitman 3 (and Hitman 1-2) all getting full PSVR support, The Climb 2 on Quest, Hyper  Dash, and more it’s been a pretty solid opening to 2021 thus far. But there’s a lot more on the horizon.

We’ve still got big releases like After The Fall from Arizona Sunshine-creators Vertigo Games, Wraith: The Oblivion—Afterlife from the makers of Apex Construct, Fast Travel Games, Cosmodread this week, VR MMOs like Zenith: The Last City and Ilysia, and so much more.

We’re finally entering the realm where AAA game developers and big indie studios have had the time and (in some cases) the funding to work on larger projects that we’re starting to see the end results of now that consumer-grade VR is nearing the 5-year anniversary mark.

There are some big games on the horizon that we haven’t actually heard about specific release dates for yet though, such as Assassin’s Creed VR and Splinter Cell VR, but fingers crossed those games release at some point this year.

What about you? What is your most anticipated upcoming VR game for 2021? Let us know down in the comments below!

via Mint VR
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