March 24, 202504:37:45 PM

Doom 3: VR Edition Hits PlayStation VR in March

Doom 3: VR Edition

Sony Interactive Entertainment’s (SIE) PlayStation VR Spotlight is returning today with a series of virtual reality (VR) announcements. The first of which has now dropped and its a big one, Doom 3: VR Edition by Bethesda Softworks is due to arrive by the end of the month.

Doom 3: VR Edition

In a PlayStation Blog post, Bethesda Softworks’ Parker Wilhem reveals that Doom 3: VR Edition: “features Doom 3 and its expansions, Resurrection of Evil and The Lost Mission, retooled for PS VR technology.” With new textures, shaders and sound effects, players will be able to use their PlayStation Aim controllers to take on the legions of hell for the first time.

There will be plenty of other VR enhancements to make Doom 3: VR Edition truly immersive, allowing you to carefully look around corners to shoot monsters, perfectly angling each shot whilst illuminating them with flashlight-mounted weapons. Players will have a 180-degree quick-turn function to cover their backs and a wrist-mounted display to track health, armour and ammo. 

This is the first VR title Bethesda Softworks has released since its parent company Zenimax Media was bought by Microsoft in 2020. Positively showcasing that the company is still developing immersive content for various platforms.

Doom 3: VR Edition

This is the second official videogame from the Doom franchise to make it into VR, the first being Doom VFR which launched back in 2017. Unofficially, Oculus Quest owners can play the original PC edition of Doom 3 using Doom3Quest a VR mod created by Team Beef.

Doom 3: VR Edition will launch on 29th March 2021 for PlayStation VR on PlayStation 4, with PlayStation 5 offering backwards compatibility. For further updates from PlayStation Spotlight, keep reading VRFocus.

via Mint VR
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