Vankrupt Games’ Pavlov VR has become one of the most successful PC VR shooters since its launch in 2017 and its still in Steam Early Access. It’s been a big week for the studio thanks to the launch of its Oculus Quest compatible version Pavlov Shack Beta on App Lab alongside the team confirming that the future holds for the series.

Pavlov Shack Beta launched yesterday for the standalone headset as a free download, allowing 4 vs 4 teams to compete in this realistic shooter. Founder and CEO of Vankrupt Games Dave Villarreal confirmed in a tweet a little later on that the “Player count spiked to 3k just now,” highlighting the community interest in the beta launch.
Over the course of the week though, Villareal has been confirming a few other details regarding Pavlov Shack, the main news being support for Sony Interactive Entertainment’s (SIE) upcoming PlayStation VR 2 headset. Noting that the official launch of Pavlov Shack will see the videogame retail for $24 USD across all platforms – Steam, Oculus and PlayStation – and that all of them will be getting free betas eventually. When it comes to PSVR he responded to a query by saying: “PSVR2, psvr1 doesn’t have the fidelity for Pavlov.”
This was followed up with the mention that Pavlov Shack would offer cross-play functionality between Oculus Quest and PlayStation VR 2. Pavlov VR on PC however won’t, it’s entirely separate, “As a reminder Pavlov on PC is bleeding edge and will never be crossplay,” Villareal states.

So there you have it, as far as VRFocus can tell Pavlov Shack is the first VR title confirmed for SIE’s next headset, way before its even been shown or got an official name – if it keeps with console tradition it’ll be PlayStation VR 2. The VR headset was officially confirmed back in February with SIE noting it would arrive after 2021 and feature a “high-fidelity visual experience” and single cord setup.
A couple of weeks ago saw the unveiling on PlayStation 5’s VR “orb” controllers with finger tracking, tactile haptic feedback and Adaptive Triggers. As further details are released for Pavlov Shack and PlayStation VR 2, VRFocus will let you know.
via Mint VR