March 26, 202509:22:22 AM

Han Solo Table Arrives As Free Update For Star Wars Pinball VR

A new table is available for Star Wars Pinball VR, themed around Han Solo in the classic Star Wars trilogy.

Even better, the Han Solo table isn’t paid DLC — it’s available as a free update to the game. Set inside the Millennium Falcon, you can check out the new table in the trailer below.

Here’s a description from the Oculus blog:

Dedicated to Han and Chewbacca’s adventures in the Classic Trilogy, the table’s playfield takes you inside the famed Millennium Falcon. Smuggle the ball into secret compartments, fix the hyperdrive, and help destroy the Death Star as you shoot for the high score. Star Wars Pinball VR puts Han and Chewie right in the room with you, reacting to your every move, so don’t get cocky, kid. 

The trailer shows a sequence where a miniature Chewie, located at the bottom of the table, opens up a compartment and lobs three balls on the table in random directions. It’s charming and a great element of what looks to be a well-themed table. Another sequence shows three balls falling out of a Han Solo carbonite mold from The Empire Strikes Back.

There’s also mini-games enhanced for VR, one of which involves piloting the Millennium Falcon through an asteroid field, which you can see briefly in the trailer.

The new Han Solo table is available for free now in Star Wars VR Pinball. For those who don’t already own the game, it’s available on Quest, PSVR and SteamVR and includes nine different tables based around the classic Star Wars trilogy, Rhe Mandalorian, Star Wars Rebels and more. You can read our review here.

via Mint VR
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