March 22, 202509:09:43 AM

HTC’s Wireless Adapter Doesn’t Support Vive Pro 2’s Full Resolution

When used with Vive Pro 2, the Vive Wireless Adapter doesn’t support the full resolution or 120 Hz mode.

The adapter currently operates at 1224×1224 per eye 90 Hz when used with Vive Pro 2.

HTC says it will increase the resolution to 1632×1632 “soon”, presumably via a firmware update.


The Vive Wireless Adapter first shipped in late 2018 for $299. HTC currently sells it for $349, which includes parts needed to affix it to the Cosmos & Pro headset series.

Even the upcoming resolution falls far short of Vive Pro 2’s full per-eye resolution – 2448×2448. The Vive Wireless Adapter uses a high bandwidth 60 GHz signal, but it looks like HTC is running into the bandwidth limit with Pro 2.

HTC announced the Vive Pro 2 earlier this week using the same design as the original but switching out the OLED panels for much higher resolution LCDs capable of going to 120Hz in wired mode. The headset also uses HTC’s new wider field of view lenses. If you already own SteamVR base stations & controllers, or plan to purchase those from Valve separately, the headset alone is priced at $799. The headset will ship from June 4. A full kit of Vive Pro 2 with SteamVR base stations and HTC’s original “wand” controllers will be available from August for $1399.

Do you already have the Vive Wireless Adapter? Are you planning to pair it with the Vive Pro 2? Converting from wired to wireless mode isn’t exactly an instantaneous change, so we’re curious how owners are planning to use this hardware. Let us know in the comments below what your plans are.

via Mint VR
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