March 18, 202501:20:24 AM

Population: One Is Getting Team Deathmatch

Team Deathmatch, one of the most popular FPS game modes, is coming soon to Population: One.

BigBox VR confirmed the news in a tweet, not giving an exact release date but just noting that the new game mode would be ‘coming soon’ to public lobbies.

Details are scarce but here’s what we know – there will be two teams and the first team to reach 30 kills is the winner. There will be respawns after a kill (“respawn back to the fight in seconds”) so depending on the team size, it might be quite a fast-paced mode.

Anyone familiar with Population: One and the monstrously popular flatscreen battle royale game Fortnite will know that the former takes a lot of its cues from the latter. Population: One’s marketing, aesthetic and update strategy is very reminiscent of the early days of Fortnite.

The addition of a team deathmatch (TDM) mode is no different. Fortnite introduced a similar 50v50 mode, which was essentially its own version of Team Deathmatch, as a rotational game mode early on in the game’s lifecycle.

BigBox have yet to confirm the size of a team deathmatch lobby, but if it’s the same total players as a normal game mode that would mean 24 players total – 2 teams of 12, aiming for 30 collective kills as a team to end the round. That mode would likely be over pretty quickly, so we’d expect something on the smaller side.

Population: One recently launched Season 2 with a number of new additions and changes. You can read about them here.

via Mint VR
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