March 21, 202509:38:47 AM

Team Deathmatch Coming Soon to Population: One

Population: One Team Deathmatch

BigBoxVR only launched Population: One – Season 2: The Frontier a couple of weeks ago offering players a new environment, weapons and other items, all wrapped up in a Wild West theme. This week the studio has begun teasing a new mode that fans have been expecting, Team Deathmatch.

Population: One Season 2

In most online first-person shooters (FPS) Team Deathmatch tends to be a classic gameplay mode introduced from the very beginning. Population: One being a virtual reality (VR) battle royale is a little different, favouring multiple three squad teams instead. That gameplay is going to be turned upside down with the introduction of Team Deathmatch.

The mode will be introduced to public lobbies first with plans to bring it to private sessions later. Players will be split into two teams with the objective being the first to get to 30 kills. Unlike standard Population: One matches where you only have one life and death means spectating or heading back to the lobby, in Team Deathmatch you’ll continually return to the fight until the match is finished.

However, just like Population: One’s current and previous seasons/modes – like the Super Advanced War Mode – Team Deathmatch will only be available for a limited time. When that occurs and how long for BigBoxVR hasn’t confirmed, just that it is coming soon.

Population: One

Oh and don’t forget, the VRFOCUS coupon code mentioned for the launch of season 2 is still valid, but not for long! The code works within the first 7 days for all new Population: One owners, allowing them to claim 750 Bureau Gold (worth $10) to use in the online store. The offer can only be redeemed until tomorrow, 27th May 2021.

Providing cross-platform action between Oculus Quest, Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, Valve Index and Windows Mixed Reality headsets, Population: One has become one of the biggest VR shooters since its launch in October 2020. In that time the videogame has managed to surpass $10m in revenue, and that’s just from Oculus Quest. As BigBoxVR continues to support and roll out new content for Population: One, VRFocus will let you know.

via Mint VR
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