Social virtual reality (VR) platform Somnium Space is currently conducting its “Road to Tertiary Land Offering (R2TLO)” over the course of July, where you can buy digital land using cryptocurrency. During the event, Somnium Space has partnered up with VR Electronics Ltd to offer ten limited-edition models of its Teslasuit, a full-body, haptic suit usually only available for enterprise use cases.

Participants in the Road 2 TLO auctions will be able to bid for a Limited Edition Somnium X TESLASUIT DK1, a device that has sensors covering 95% of a users muscle mass which are used for haptics, motion capture and biometric data capture. This will be the first time Teslasuit has been made available in this way.
Successful bidders won’t just get a Teslasuit, the companies have ensured the social experience can showcase how immersive the suit can be. As Somnium Space has dynamic weather, users will be able to feel raindrops in the virtual world or feel the music when they attend a concert. Playing AnihilatorVR Somnium Space’s exclusive multiplayer shooter the impact of projectiles can be felt. Even simple social interaction will be more realistic, feeling the touch of another person.
“I have no doubt that within this decade the majority of the human population will be using Virtual Reality on a daily basis to conduct business meetings, visit concerts, socialise with others, or simply have fun during virtual experiences or other types of events. In fact, we can see that the majority of such use cases are being conducted inside Somnium Metaverse on a daily basis already today. Teslasuit brings the next level of immersion for users allowing for the first time ever to feel Somnium Space’s virtual environment. We are excited to deliver this exclusive and strategic partnership with the Teslasuit team and to work closely together in order to push the boundaries of what is possible further,” says Artur Sychov, Founder & CEO of Somnium Space in a statement.

Sergei Nossoff, Founder & CEO of VR Electronics Ltd adds: “We are excited to partner with Somnium Space and offer Teslasuit technology for high-end VR experiences, providing a deeper immersion with full-body motion capture and range of enhanced haptic sensations. Teslasuit has been focusing on creating government and enterprise VR/AR/MR training solutions. We have combined the innovative insight of Teslasuit with the most advanced global VR training practices, however, our dream is to let every VR user experience this incredible technology on a daily basis and vastly enhance their virtual presence.”
Anyone can purchase one of the Limited Edition Somnium X TESLASUIT DK1 suits during the auctions which run until 31st July 2021. Just don’t expect to pick up a bargain price Teslasuit as current bids on OpenSea have surpassed 7 Ethereum which is north of $13k USD. Here’s a bit more info before you bid:
- Each suit comes with an Exclusive one of a kind NFT token
- Each Limited Edition comprises a jacket and trousers
- Each suit will have your name of choice printed on it
- Each suit will be tailored to your exact body size
- Starting auction prices in Ethereum and CUBEs will be always announced via Somnium Space official Twitter account a few days before each week’s auction alongside PARCELs, WORLDs, and other ITEMs
- Winning price also includes worldwide priority shipping. (Does not include your local customs and other country-specific costs).
- Each auction winner will be contacted individually to organise their personal delivery and special arrangements.
VRFocus will continue its coverage of Somnium Space and Teslasuit, reporting back with further updates.
via Mint VR