When Facebook launched the Oculus Quest 2 back in October 2020 it came in two variants, 64GB and 256GB with a £100 GBP price difference between the two. While most of the platform’s software is generally quite small, averaging around 1GB, newer titles are coming in at a greater size, making the 64GB model a less tempting proposition. New rumours indicate that Facebook also realises this, with a new 128GB edition in the pipeline.

Several pieces of information have surfaced regarding the 128GB model with the French website GamerGen spotting a (now removed but on the Internet Archive) listing on retail site LDLC as well as receiving information from another retailer Top Achat confirming the news was correct. GamerGen received this Tweet from Top Achat saying: “So I checked, it’s not a mistake, nor a leak. It was put online on July 6 at 12:01 AM following the end of the NDA. The 64 GB model is now out of stock, the 128 GB model replaces it.”
Adding to the rumour mill the GamerGen report suggests that the Oculus Quest 2 128GB will arrive today (20th July). If these details are entirely accurate then the new version will be priced the same at £299 GBP/€349 EUR. Retailers in the UK like Oculus, Amazon and OverclockersUK are still listing the 64GB as in stock, so if a new model does arrive there could be some discounting going on.
Adding fuel to the rumours a couple of images appeared on Imgur anonymously showcasing a 128GB box with a June manufacturing date. It was around this time last year that leaks for the original Oculus Quest 2 began surfacing so it’s more than possible these rumours may come to fruition. Of course, there’s been an official confirmation by Facebook that a 128GB headset is on its way.

A base model with a greater storage capacity would be highly beneficial considering the size and the sheer number of VR titles available for the headset. The one limiting factor of the Oculus Quest platform, in general, is its complete lack of expandable memory storage. With the 64GB model, in particular, you’d eventually get to a point where content needs to be deleted to make space, rather than simply putting in a bigger SD card.
If Facebook does confirm an Oculus Quest 2 128GB this week, VRFocus will let you know.
via Mint VR