March 23, 202501:13:36 PM

New Song In The Smoke Clips Show Combat, Hunting And More

17-Bit’s upcoming survival VR game, Song in the Smoke, still doesn’t have a release date. But it does have plenty of new footage to take in over on Twitter.

Over the course of the past month, the developer has been sharing a handful of gameplay clips from the title. Song in the Smoke is designed to be an ecosystem-driven survival game in which, yes, players will hunt for food and defend themselves against vicious animals, but those animals may also react differently depending on features like how hungry they are.

New Song In The Smoke Gameplay Revealed

Check out the clip below of a player using archery to take down a deer.

There’s also melee combat which you’ll need if animals get a little too close for comfort.

Even more combat footage shows players using rocks and sticks they find in the environment to defend themselves.

And, finally, there’s a tease of the mysterious ‘song’ in the game, which 17-Bit says you’ll need to follow to uncover secrets.

It all looks pretty intriguing and we can’t wait to see more. Song in the Smoke is due to launch on Quest, PSVR and PC VR this summer. While we don’t have a final date, you can watch the recent making of video to find out more.

via Mint VR
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