March 27, 202503:27:43 AM

Oculus Quest Board Game App Neverboard Is Out Now

Surprise! Promising Oculus Quest boardgame app, Neverboard, is out now.

Developer Evernever Games surprise launched the title as part of this week’s Quest store drop. It’s a free-to-play experience that lets you download, jump in and play a version of Crazy 8s with up to three friends completely free of charge. Players use the older Oculus avatars system.

More games are available as in-app purchases, however. Check out the trailer below.

The concept is certainly promising and we’ve seen what VR can do for tabletop experiences with games like Demeo, though Neverboard will live and die by the quality and value of the board games on offer. Currently available games include Four Letter Word, Treasure and Odd One Out, but there’s what looks like a trivia game coming soon and Evernever also says it’s reaching out to other game makers that may feel their games are a good fit for the platform.

The app is an Oculus Quest exclusive, with no announced plans for other headsets at this point in time. The concept reminds us of Oculus Rooms, the social VR experience that featured takes on Boggle and others, but never made it off of Gear VR and Oculus Go.

Will you be trying out Neverboard? Let us know in the comments below!

via Mint VR
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