A new level is available to beta test for Yupitergrad players on Oculus Quest, but this is one is a little different to new content we’ve seen so far.
The latest beta level, ‘Gymnasion’, is not a new timed game mode or obstacle course map, but is instead more of a sandbox environment for you to have fun in. As you can see in the screenshots, it’s more of a cavernous gym-looking environment than the campaign’s obstacle-orientated Yupitergrad courses.
Here’s a description of the new map from the developers:
At Gymnasion, you can literally do whatever you want in a large open space, especially designed to perform crazy acrobatics, practice movement and relax a bit. We’re inviting all Komrades to check it out before it’s officially added to the game and give us feedback.
Similar to previous betas, players can sign up for the beta by heading to the Discord server and filling out the application form in the Events channel. The developers will approve your device and then you’ll be able to switch over to the beta release of the game in the Oculus mobile app, by clicking on the Yupitergrad release version and changing over to the beta channel.
Back in July, Yupitergrad ran a similar beta test period for new time attack levels. The game first released earlier this year for Quest, PC VR and PSVR and has received some further updates since — the Quest got support for 120Hz in May, alongside some new levels.
Yupitergrad is available now for Oculus Quest, PC VR and PSVR. You can sign up for Quest beta testing on the Gamedust Discord server.
via Mint VR