Facebook: ‘More Options’ For Oculus Quest Login Within The Next Year

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg signaled the company will be “making it so you can login into Quest with an account other than your personal Facebook account.”

Here’s the full comment from Zuckerberg in the Connect keynote:

“As we’ve focused more on work, and frankly as we’ve heard your feedback more broadly, we’re working on making it so you can login into Quest with an account other than your personal Facebook account. We’re starting to test support for work accounts soon, and we’re working on making a broader shift here, within the next year. I know this is a big deal for a lot of people. Not everyone wants their social media profile linked to all these other experiences and I get that, especially as the metaverse expands.”

While not exactly detailed about the path forward the comment does indicate Facebook is at least listening to feedback since it imposed a Facebook account requirement last year.

This news is breaking, updates to come.

via Mint VR
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