VR survival gem Song In The Smoke has a new update which, among other things, adds in a more immersive ‘Minimal UI Mode’.
In the launch version of 17-Bit’s VR debut, status ailments like hunger and tiredness are displayed like cave paintings appearing from the sides of your vision. It’s a smart way to alert players to impending problems, but some fans claimed they found this feature distracting. This new minimal UI mode reduces the appearance of these elements so players can instead focus on the world around them.
Also included in this update is the ability to adjust the position of a bow when holding it so you can fire in a way more natural to you, and rare stones have been a bit easier to find, along with “fairer” clothing degradation. There are also some other requested additions like controller-oriented locomotion on Oculus headsets and the usual bug fixes. You can find out more on the developer’s Discord.
We loved Song in the Smoke when it released in early October, awarding it a ‘Great’ rating. “It’s rough, yes, and some of its design ideas need a second pass,” we said. “But it’s also an intoxicating trip, an experience directly connected to the beating heart of nature and acutely aware of the structure and interaction needed to make its survival gameplay work in VR.”
Currently the game’s available on PSVR and Oculus headsets, but it’s also coming to SteamVR soon. We have our fingers crossed that a PSVR 2 version could be on the cards whenever that headset releases, too.
via Mint VR