March 21, 202508:34:43 PM

Out Now on Amazon The Metaverse: A Professional Guide

Love all things metaverse related but wish there was an actual physical book with all the info you need? Well, now there is. As the daunting buzzword that is “the metaverse” grows ever more commonplace Editor of The Immersive Wire Tom Ffiske has put together The Metaverse: A Professional Guide to help cut through the dizzying array of information out there.

Image credit: Chaosamran Studio, Shutterstock

The topic of the metaverse has exploded over the past year, fuelled by companies like Meta (formerly Facebook), Epic Games, NVIDIA, Roblox, Microsoft and many more. But it can get a little confusing when they mention “metaverse”; what platforms actually fall under the category and what’s actually different to many of the digital worlds gamers already inhabit.

Approaching the topic from an immersive, XR viewpoint, The Metaverse: A Professional Guide features chapters such as Hopping through a metaverse, AR glasses: Hype and realism; Meta’s seismic influence, and How to market immersive technologies, to name a few. The book also touches on more explosive topics such as NFTs that have massively divided the gaming community as to their use and worth – are they becoming a cash grab by companies?

“I’ve followed VR and AR for a long time, and I am happy to see it naturally fall into discussions on the metaverse,” said Ffiske in a statement. “But if you talk to anyone about the topic, then you will always get different answers. I hope my contributions will help guide professionals looking into the area, and inspire their own journey over time.”

The Metaverse Guide

“Ffiske’s new book takes the mysterious new world of the metaverse and turns it into an accessible, practical guide for professionals navigating the space,” adds Alex Ruhl, Founder of CATS are not PEAS and Alex Makes VR podcast host. “His down to earth approach builds on the foundations of VR and AR and offers new insight into the future applications of immersive tech.”

The Metaverse: A Professional Guide is available now from Amazon in paperback and Kindle form for £9.99 GBP. Of course, for all your day to day updates of all things metaverse related, keep reading gmw3.

via Mint VR
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