March 23, 202507:39:05 PM

Gorilla Tag Adds Snowy New Map In Beta

Gorilla Tag has a snowy new map, available in beta form.

Developer LemmingVR tweeted a teaser picture of the new level for the multiplayer game yesterday, offering a peek through to a new mountainous region with snow-covered surfaces and trees. Since then, however, players have jumped back into the game only to discover the map ready and waiting for them, albeit in beta form.

Gorilla Tag New Map Goes Live

It looks a little similar to the snowy main map alternative players enjoyed during the holiday season, but offers an entirely new environment including some interesting new features. There’s an ice slide, for example, that allows players to make a quick escape to the ground. There’s also an actual slide.

This is the latest in a series of official maps for the multiplayer game. Alongside the forest environment, a canyon map was added in April 2021, too. Of course, the game’s extensive mod support has left players with no shortage of unofficial environments to bounce around, too.

Gorilla Tag recently celebrated its first anniversary and, despite still being on AppLab and Steam Early Access, it’s been a meteoric year for the VR game. In November last year, we reported that the game had hit 1.5 million players, and John Carmack himself recently noted that it had more players than some massive VR multiplayer efforts. Hopefully 2022 will bring more maps and content for the game as it continues to grow.

What do you want to see out of Gorilla Tag’s next map? Let us know in the comments below!

via Mint VR
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