March 14, 202503:13:28 PM

Requisition VR Getting PvP, F1 22 Course Updates – VR Games On Our Radar This Week

Requisition VR’s new PvP mode and course updates for F1 22 are just some of the new VR games on our radar this week!

Every week we get a lot of updates on new VR games at Upload – so much so that we don’t have time to cover them all. This week we talked about news from Beat Saber, new Coatsink projects, Stride and more, but here are some other titles we didn’t get to take a look at.

Requisition VR

The latest update for Arcadia VR’s co-op zombie survival game reveals a PvP multiplayer mode. The core Requisition game focuses on players assembling weapons out of household items and that’s the case here too. Alongside traditional firearms you can see toasters being used as melee weapons, bats being taped together with bug lights and even darts being used as projectile attacks. It’s safe to say this mode has a lot of potential, then. Requisition itself is set for release in early access later this year.

F1 22

Here’s more gameplay from the upcoming racing game, which is going to feature full support for VR headsets on PC. This is a hot lap for a Spanish track, which gets a new layout in this edition. Tracks in Australia and Abu Dhabi have also been updated to reflect the real world courses better.


Demeo Sorcerer Buff

We’ve already heard about the new update heading to Demeo on June 16 that’ll add a new campaign and more features to the Heroes’ Hangout. More recently, though, Resolution Games confirmed that the Sorcerer class, Zedokar, will be getting a buff in this update too. He’ll get a new card that allows you to apply ‘Overcharged’ to enemies, which enables a more powerful Lightning Bolt attack. This deals more damage than the standard Zap attack and bounces to different enemies. Resolution is also holding a competition to design dice for the game, which is underway now. More info here.

Dragon Fist: VR Kung Fu

Indie developer Ben Olding is working on this VR combat game, which is out on Steam and will be making its way to Quest 2 via App Lab soon. Check out a video using full body tracking above, which employs three Vive Trackers to let you kick as well as punch (which is coming to the PC VR build soon).

via Mint VR
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