March 26, 202510:05:12 AM

Gadgeteer Adds 23 New Musical Gadgets In Update

A new update for physics-based puzzle game Gadgeteer brings 23 musical gadgets to play with as well as a new environment to build in.

The Musical Gadget Update released recently for Gadgeteer on Quest and PC VR. It adds a bunch of new music-inspired tools for players to implement in their Rube Goldberg machines, such as a metronome, xylophone, drum parts, cymbals, gongs, cowbells and a rubber chicken.

As you can see in the trailer embedded above, players can use existing well-known Gadgeteer staples, such as the marble ball, to interact with the new musical elements to produce tones in sequences and create songs.

The update also adds in a new sandbox environment, ‘Study’, which is “purposely designed to offer a building canvas that’s different from the ‘Apartment’ environment” and provides a better canvas for building music-focused machines.

Metanaut CEO and Creative Director Peter Kao shared bit about future updates to come in a prepared statement, “Our players have been asking for gadgets that allow them to build perpetually running machines. They’ve also asked for powerful electrical gadgets. These are great suggestions and we have them on the top of our list of gadgets to prototype.”

Metanaut have consistently updated Gadgeteer through early access and post launch, adding in some key features such as online level sharing, while also expanding out with Quest and PSVR releases in 2019 and 2021 respectively.

The update is available now for Gadgeteer on PC VR and Quest platforms, with PSVR to come in the future.

via Mint VR
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