Islanders VR Builds Cities Inside Your Home With Mixed Reality

Islanders VR receives a free mixed reality update, letting you build cities inside your own home on Quest.

Released earlier this year, Islanders VR is described as a "minimalist strategy game about building cities on beautiful islands." Joining a growing list of mixed reality games on Quest 3, a new passthrough update lets you create islands across your home environment. You can see this being demonstrated below.

Speaking with Meta, Coatsink programmers John Peart and Richard Ashby revealed this update took three months to develop. Explaining that MR was "something we had been thinking of since the start," Ashby describes playing in MR as evoking "the same type of feeling as building a model world out of LEGO bricks."

Originally released for flatscreen platforms in 2019, Islanders takes a different approach to city builders by not imposing a cost on building resources. Instead, you have an inventory with limited buildings to place and you'll earn points based on their placement. Building up enough score then progresses you onto the next procedurally generated island.

Islanders VR is available now on the Meta Quest platform and Steam, though the MR update is Quest exclusive.

via Mint VR
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