Several companies in the virtual reality (VR) industry are turning to an ‘all-in-one’ solution for head-mounted displays (HMDs). As we have previously seen with plans for the Standalone HTC Vive headset. Now it seems that Samsung are also working on an all-in-one headset powered by its Exynos processor.
It has been recently announced that Samsung are planning to use the VR eye-tracking technology developed by Visual Camp. The Visual Camp eye-tracking system has been optimised for mobile VR use, and a press release about the deal revealed that Samsung are planning to use the technology as part of its upcoming Exynos VR headset.
Incorporating the eye-tracking technology allows for the use of ‘foveated rendering’, a technique which saves system resources by rendering only what the users is looking at in 100% detail and clarity, with everything else receiving reduced resolution. This technique is important in next-generation mobile VR technology to avoid excessive heat build up and component wear.
Several other technologies are planned to be incorporated into the Exynos VR headset, including hand tracking, voice recognition and facial expression recognition. Samsung spoke about its plans for its new Exynos 3 processor line and its VR reference platform at Mobile World Congress Shanghair, where Visual Camp were also demonstrating its latest eye-tracking technology.
Visual Camp CEO Suk Yunchan said, “By collaborating with Samsung Electronics, our technology was internationally recognized at MWCS 2017, enabling us to secure a bridgehead for future global marketing efforts. Now, we will continue promoting the high quality of Korean startup technologies and products overseas.”
Other companies such as Apple, Google and Facebook have also been researching eye-tracking technology recently, with Apple buying out German vision company SMI as part of its recent drive towards VR technology.
VRFocus will bring you further news on the Samsung Exynos VR headset as it becomes available.
via Mint VR