One country we’ve not yet been to on our 360 degree video enduced global travels is Estonia. There’s no specific reason why that is, other than we’ve just not gone there yet. However we can check it off in our little virtual reality (VR) passport this morning with this video.
Last Friday and Saturday saw the 12th Youth Dance Festival take place in Kalev Central Stadium, not far from Lake Ülemiste in Tallinn, Estonia. Nearly six hundred dance troops and more than a
few thousand dancers came together in a celebration of dance and Estonian culture. It is far from an annual event, taking place only every five years but the tradition itself dates back to 1869. ERR Multimedia managed to capture one of the rehersals for the event in 360 degrees which you can see below with multiple teams, dances and dancers of all ages. The theme of the twelth celebration was “Here I`ll Stay” – although we couldn’t possibly tell you why.
VRFocus will be back on Wednesday and Friday at the same time with two other selections from a world increasingly shown in 360 degrees. Until then be on the lookout throughout the week for the latest news and features about virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR).
via Mint VR