March 19, 202507:53:12 PM

Learn About the Life Cycle of Factory-Farmed Animals in iAnimal 360

Due to virtual reality’s (VR) immersive nature organisations are using the technology to bring issues and disasters to the public’s attention in evermore striking ways, such as the United Nations Ground Beneath Her project. This week international animal advocacy organization Animal Equality has released iAnimal, a 360-degree film on dairy farming.

iAnimal takes an immersive look at the life cycle of factory-farmed animals from birth to death. The project features footage filmed by eight investigators in three countries over six months. It’s narrated by Evanna Lynch, best known for her role as Luna Lovegood in Harry Potter.

iAnimal Evanna Lynch

“I just wanted to make myself as small as possible, and I was thinking that must be how the animals feel — that they just want to hide, but there’s not any corner of comfort or peace in any part of their lives,” said Lynch after viewing the film. “It’s so cruel and so horrific, and if you’re spending a few dollars to support this — it’s just not worth it. If you’re actually paying to support this you should know where your money is going or you should take ownership of what you’re doing. I think it’s the passivity of most people that makes this OK, that makes it go on. And the fact that it’s all behind closed walls.”

Jose Valle, Animal Equality’s Co-founder and Director of Investigations, said: “Experiencing iAnimal can be just as haunting and life changing for people as visiting any of the 120 factory farms and slaughterhouses I have investigated throughout the globe.

“Animal Equality is grateful to Evanna for giving voice to the billions of animals that suffer and die on factory farms each year and educating people on the dark reality of dairy farming. iAnimalis the closest you can get to experiencing how animals raised for food are treated on factory farms and in slaughterhouses worldwide. If you care about animals, the environment, or where your food comes from, you’ll want to see this.”

The iAnimal experience can be viewed on YouTube using Samsung Gear VR or Google Cardboard.

Check out Lynch’s reaction to iAnimal plus the documentary itself in the videos below. For all of the latest immersive experience news, keep reading VRFocus.

via Mint VR
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