March 27, 202512:39:58 PM

Oculus Slashes Rift Price Again: New Touch Bundle $500 When Sale Ends

Oculus Slashes Rift Price Again: New Touch Bundle $500 When Sale Ends

The Oculus Rift and Touch controllers are having their price permanently cut again for the second time in two months.

Right now the pair are on sale for an impressive $399, which is $200 off the standard price. Today, however, Oculus announced that, when that sale ends in six weeks’ time, the Rift and Touch will be available for $499. After strong demand, the company is also finally bundling the headset, controllers, and two sensors into one box. It goes on sale today from Oculus’ website and retail partners and you’ll be able to pick it up at the current sale price of $399 for a limited time.

We’ve reached out to Oculus who confirmed the new bundle doesn’t include the Xbox One gamepad included in the original Rift, which is used for playing games like Edge of Nowhere. It is, of course, possible to buy the controller separately, and many of these titles now emulate gamepad controls on Oculus Touch thanks to a recent software update. The Oculus Remote, which was included with the original box and used for simple navigation, also appears to be missing. If you’re planning on picking up a Rift in the current sale, then, it may be worth buying the separate boxes so that you still get these two input methods, if you can find it.

Still, an all-in-one bundle featuring both Rift and Touch has long been requested by the VR community. Aside from a PC, it includes everything you need to jump into VR and bring your hands along with you. If you want full room-scale experiences, however, you’ll need to pick up a third sensor, which costs around $60. You’ll also get the usual assortment of free content: Lucky’s Tale, Robo Recall, Medium, Quill, Dead & Buried and Toy Box are all free upon activating your Rift and Touch.

This is the second time Oculus has cut the price of the Rift this year, at first dropping the headset by itself to $499 and Touch to $99 at GDC in March.

That permanently pits the Rift at a full $300 less than the $799 HTC Vive. HTC has previously been adamant that it wouldn’t drop the price of its headset, but with such aggressive moves from Oculus of late we’ll of course reach out again and ask if the price will budge.

via Mint VR
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