March 27, 202501:22:00 PM

Turn Your House into an 80s Music Video With ARKit

The launch of Apple’s ARKit has allowed many interesting and exotic ‘proof of concept’ ideas to come to light. One such idea is an app powered by ARKit that allows you to turn your environment into a recreation of the classic 80s music video ‘Take On Me’ by A-ha.

The original music video for Take On Me was painstakingly hand-drawn to give the appearance of a comic book world. The music video – widely regarded as one of the greatest of all time – concerns a comic book creation coming to life. The rotoscoped animation one the video was carefully crafted to resemble rough pencil sketches.

The proof-of-concept software allows the user to scan their environment and apply an augmented reality (AR) filter effect to change the user’s surroundings to resemble the rough pencil sketch effect used in the music video. The app is not publicly available and is simply meant to be a demonstration of the capabilities of ARKit.

Trixi Studios, who created the app, intend for it to be a showcase of what is possible using ARKit, and how the suit of tools provided by Apple can allow even small, independent developers to produce extremely professional results by integrating AR into their products.

Other recent demonstrations of ARKit’s capabilities have come from VRobot developer, who demonstrated a ‘god simulator’ title called AR Tribe using ARKit’s capabilities. Directive Games also teased that they were working on something powered by ARKit with the release of a video showing an AR build of mobile title The Machines seamlessly sat on top of a table.

A video demonstrating Trixi Studios ‘Take on Me’ app is available to view below.

VRFocus will continue to bring you news of new projects produced using ARKit.

via Mint VR
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