View Your Work-In-Progress With InstaVR’s New Live Previewer Tool

View Your Work-In-Progress With InstaVR’s New Live Previewer Tool

There are various platforms that help to foster that creative process in VR. InstaVR is among them, aiming to easily let you get an app onto all of the major VR headsets. The company announced a Live Previewer which is a tool that will improve efficiency by allowing creators to see what the application looks like without having to package and download it first.

The smallest issues can completely derail an experience and having to package and download an app only to see that there’s a crucial error is a frustrating experience in addition to burning a lot of time. The Live Previewer should open the door for real-time feedback that will lead to cleaner and more complete final products and also help with the collaboration process if you’re not a solo creative.

“Our mission is to simplify and improve the VR app creation process,” said Daniel Haga, Founder and CEO of InstaVR, in a prepared statement. “Live Previewer allows our clients to more quickly and effectively author applications, without having to deal with packaging bottlenecks. As the speed of app creation increases so too does the productivity of our clients.”

If you’ve yet to use InstaVR but have been itching to give VR application creation a shot, there’s a free option available to get you started. There are some limitations but you should still be able to get a good idea of what you’re in for. At this time, Live Previewer works on iOS, Android, and Gear VR.

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