Google Blocks 2.0 Update Released To Improve End To End Workflow

Google Blocks 2.0 Update Released To Improve End To End Workflow

Google’s Blocks software was released with the aim of making VR content creation accessible for all. With this week’s v2.0 update it should be even easier for people to jump in and start making stuff.

Blocks v2, as Google calls it, is aimed at making end to end creation workflow even smoother. To that end, Google has added new export formats, including .fbx and triangulated .obj files. Reference images have been made easier to grab and snap to a grid, while you can also cache downloaded Blocks models. The app also remembers which hand is your dominant hand, and the paintbrush tool will now automatically open if you select a new color while not using it.

On the technical side, there have been some bug fixes for the exporting process to help it work much more seamlessly, and there have been some significant performance improvements to make more complex scenes run smoother.

You can see the full list of changes over on Steam. If you have any other fixes and additions you’d like to see the developer is taking note in the comments section.

Overall it’s not the most dramatic of updates, but we were so impressed with Blocks in the first place that we’re not sure much more needs adding. Still, we wouldn’t expect Google to stop here.

via Mint VR
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